Quitter Venise
Violoniste, le personnage principal est embauché par une riche famille vénitienne qui cherche pour son fils Aristeo un professeur de violon et de français. L'installation dans la demeure des Gambardelli, sur les Zattere, se déroule sans heurt. Ce travail lui laisse le temps de flâner dans une Venise secrète et souvent déserte. Des déambulations propices à l'introspection qui lui permettent aussi de s'interroger sur sa propre histoire familiale... Un jour, dans un restaurant, un couple attire son attention : l'homme est aveugle et âgé, la femme, beaucoup plus jeune, lui sert de guide. Quelles sont réellement leurs relations? Pour découvrir leur secret, il va falloir les suivre, discrètement, dans Venise...
- Bleue
- Paru le 28/08/2014
- Genre : Littérature française
- 136 pages - 140 x 205 mm
- EAN : 9782715235199
- ISBN : 9782715235199
Foreign Rights
Leaving Venice
All rights available
A violinist in love with Vivaldi, the young narrator has found in the Conservatory a small ad from a rich Venetian family: the parents are looking for a teacher of violin and French for their son Aristeo. Immediately, the narrator leaves with her sheet music to move in the Gambardelli’s residence on the Zattere. Her work lets her enough free time to stroll without end, and get back to a heavy and haunting past: most of her family has been killed during the Shoah.
One day, she has lunch next to a couple who catches her attention. She listens discreetly their conversation. The man is blind and old; the woman – Marianne, much younger – accompanies him as a guide. But what is the true nature of their relationship? Over the course of her wandering, the narrator falls on the odd couple, several times. She begins to follow them, always unbeknown to them, to find out their secret…
After Manhattan and Pôles magnétiques, Quitter Venise is the third novel by Anne Révah.
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