Le pays dont je me souviens
Lorsque Philippe rencontre Myor, il est intrigué par ce personnage singulier, mi-SDF, mi-sage, qui vit en ermite dans la forêt. Myor raconte qu'il vient d'un énigmatique territoire du lac, un lieu qui le hante, mais qu'il est incapable de situer sur une carte. À quarante-cinq ans, Philippe est à un tournant de sa vie, et n'a rien à perdre : touché par l'histoire de Myor, il lui propose de l'aider à retrouver ce pays rêvé de son enfance. Voilà ce couple insolite parti pour une étrange odyssée...
- Bleue
- Paru le 02/02/2017
- Genre : Littérature française
- 192 pages - 140 x 205 mm
- EAN : 9782715244627
- ISBN : 9782715244627
Foreign Rights
The Place I Remember
All rights available
Philippe, a forty year old, is at a crossroads in life. He just left his tyrannical wife and two grown sons to return to a city in province where he lived for quite some time years before.
There in a coffee shop, he meets Myor, a homeless hermit who lives in the forest. Myor spends his days writing on scraps of paper. He recounts that he is from an “enigmatic place near a lake.” Myor is haunted by this place and desperately wants to go back, but he is incapable of finding it on a map. Is he completely crazy and a potential psychiatric patient escapee like many people seem to think? Philippe does not care and decides to help Myor find this lost childhood town.
The two set off on a strange sort of Odyssey making a funny duo that could be mistaken for a father and son.
Anne Révah is the author of four novels including Quitter Venise and L’enfant sans visage.
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