Clélia Anfray nous entraîne avec brio dans une belle histoire d’amour et une critique iconoclaste de la société de consommation, où se percutent des mondes contraires. Elle est l’auteur de plusieurs romans, notamment Le coursier de Valenciennes, Monsieur Loriot et Le Censeur.
- Bleue
- Paru le 05/05/2022
- Genre : Littérature française
- 240 pages - 140 x 205 mm
- EAN : 9782715259867
- ISBN : 9782715259867
Foreign Rights
All rights available
Joseph Aichelbaum is a bill poster in the Paris metro. At the foot of his stepladder, some hurried passengers go by without even seeing him. However, he notes that a young woman is there every day, observing his work… He wants to approach her when, suddenly, her bag is snatched by a pickpocket. She disappears into the crowd. Joseph recovers the bag, but he doesn’t know how to contact her. She is becoming his obsession. Had he fallen in love with her? When he finally finds her, he tracks her secretly and discovers that she is working for Metropolis, the advertising sales agency which buys spaces in the metro for its clients. Is it a coincidence or a sign of destiny? For Joseph, this is the beginning of an extraordinary adventure…
Clélia Anfray is carrying us with brilliance in a modern fable which is an iconoclastic review about consumer society, where different worlds are in collision. On the one hand, all those working behind the scenes, modest people and homeless men; on the other hand, some dynamic executives swimming in luxury and high technology. Two worlds which have no chance to meet, except if love gets involved!
Clélia Anfray is the author of several novels, among which Le coursier de Valenciennes, Monsieur Loriot and Le Censeur.
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