À New York, les obstacles sont partout : Guillaume a donc développé des stratégies très élaborées pour se déplacer et comprendre le monde. Pour les rencontres amoureuses, c’est plus compliqué : il fréquente les prostituées chez qui il peut laisser libre cours à ses fantasmes. Mais ces relations tarifées ne lui suffisent pas. Guillaume s’inscrit donc sur un site de rencontres. Après des heures de discussion avec une certaine Gail, il s’apprête à la rencontrer. Il a juste omis de lui parler de son apparence physique, et d’autres petits détails singuliers : il mange des insectes vivants, prend des bains de cheveux, porte des bas…
Dans cet étonnant premier roman, Anne Lorho dresse le portrait d’un homme aveugle, très attachant bien qu’étrange. Elle nous permet de comprendre ce que veut dire « vivre dans le noir ».
- Bleue
- Paru le 25/08/2022
- Genre : Littérature française
- 304 pages - 140 x 205 mm
- EAN : 9782715260214
- ISBN : 9782715260214
Foreign Rights
The Blinded Man
All rights available
At the age of 38, Guillaume works as computer engineer in a New York bank. Guillaume is a dandy, but he is blind and has lost his nose – his face is really ugly. Every day, he feels the scared and disgusted looks of people around him.
In New York, obstacles are everywhere, but Guillaume has very sophisticated strategies designed to help him move around and communicate. It is more complicated for romantic encounters: he uses the services of sex workers with whom he can give free rein to his fantasies. But paying for sex is not enough, so Guillaume joins a dating website. After hours talking to a woman named Gail, he is going to finally met her… But he omitted to warn her about his physical appearance and some others little singular details: he eats living insects, takes hair baths, wears stockings…
In this astonishing first novel, Anne Lorho describes a blinded man, weird but endearing. She makes us understand what “living in the dark” means.
Anne Lorho lives in Toulouse. She is a teacher in the Institute for the Young Blind, where she works with children and teenagers with visual disabilities.
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