Zola Jackson
Août 2005, delta du Mississippi : l'ouragan Katrina s'abat sur La Nouvelle-Orléans. Les digues cèdent sur le lac Pont-chartrain et les quartiers modestes sont engloutis.
La catastrophe touche de plein fouet la communauté noire. Tandis que ses voisins attendent des secours qui mettront des jours à arriver, l'institutrice Zola Jackson s'organise chez elle pour sa survie. L'eau continue de monter, inexorablement. Du ciel, les hélicoptères des télévisions filment la mort en direct.
Réfugiée dans le grenier avec sa chienne Lady, Zola n'a peut-être pas dit son dernier mot.
Sous la plume de Gilles Leroy, Zola Jackson, femme de trempe et mère émouvante, rejoint le cercle des grandes héroïnes romanesques.
- Bleue
- Paru le 05/01/2010
- Genre : Littérature française
- 144 pages - 140 x 205 mm
- EAN : 9782715228740
- ISBN : 9782715228740
Foreign Rights
Zola Jackson
Rights sold
Allemagne - Kein & Aber
Pays-Bas - Cossee
Croatie - Filolosko
Slovenie - Piano
August 2005, Mississippi Delta : Hurricane Katrina is imminent. Zola, a retired black schoolteacher lives alone with her old dog : Lady. Zola has had her share of hurricanes. No way is she going to flee before Katrina... Anyhow it's been 10 years since she's been scared. Ever since Caryl died. Cancer... Caryl was her pride, her reason for living, her only son turned brilliant professor. Before his death, he'd left her Lady. She was only a pup then. Outside the storm is raging. The muddy and putrid waters are rising. Zola and Lady take refuge upstairs. In the morning corpses are floating beneath the windows. Zola and Lady are trapped. Finally the rescue team arrive in their motor boat. They have to leave. Now. But there is no place for a dog in the boat, so Zola refuses to be evacuated. She won't abandon Lady. Trapped by the floodwater, will the old woman and her dog survive Katrina ?
Gilles Leroy is the author of several novels published by Mercure de France, including Alabama Song, which received the Goncourt Prize 2007 and has been translated into 25 languages.
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