Une odeur de sainteté
Franck Maubert nous entraîne sur des chemins fantastiques à la croisée du merveilleux et du mystique.
- Bleue
- Paru le 17/08/2023
- Genre : Littérature française
- 120 pages - 140 x 205 mm
- EAN : 9782715261372
- ISBN : 9782715261372
Foreign Rights
An Odour of Holiness
All rights available
Jeanne Doucet, a nose in the service of leading perfume houses, is asked to take on a strange mission. She has to smell the heart of a holy person, Émérence, in preparation for her beatification. Faced with this dry organ giving off an indefinable fragrance, Jeanne is overwhelmed, her life turned upside down. It is as if the spirit contained in had taken hold of her. Through the ages, she perceives an indescribable pain and unspeakable suffering. Haunted by Émérence, beset by visions, she will never stop trying to discover her secret. From now on, it is her heart that guides her in her footsteps. Perhaps, through this mystery, she is trying to rediscover a part of herself...
Franck Maubert takes us on a fantastic journey at the crossroads of the marvellous and the mystical.
Franck Maubert is the author of novels and essays on art, including Le dernier modèle (Prix Renaudot Essais 2012), L’eau qui passe (Prix Jean Freustié 2019) and Histoires naturelles, translated into Castilian/America latina (Interzona).
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