Un homme ébranlé
À cinquante ans, Claude voit dans la maladie qui le frappe une alliée pour s'évader d'un monde en feu pour lequel il a un jour renoncé à se battre. Mais il y a Gaël, ce fils de onze ans qu'il s'est décidé trop tard à rencontrer, Jovana, dont la belle énergie revient le hanter, et sa femme, Simone, spectatrice lucide et glacée face aux tourments d'un homme qu'elle aime encore.
- Bleue
- Paru le 05/01/2011
- Genres : Littérature française - Littérature étrangère
- 144 pages - 140 x 205 mm
- EAN : 9782715231702
- ISBN : 9782715231702
Foreign Rights
Swaying Man
Rights sold :
Etats-Unis - Bellevue Literary Press
Simone and Claude live in the suburbs, near a housing estate. A proud and austere man, Claude is a sports coach. Simone is a dental assistant. They have not had any children, but have been living together for over ten years. Ill with cancer, knowing he is about to die, Claude wants to meet his son, Gaël. A child he had with Jovana, a woman much younger than Simone. Communication doesn't come easily between father and son, especially when Claude's health starts deteriorating rapidly. He is unable be the father he would like to have been, even for one week. To Simone, if Gaël's arrival is a breath of fresh air in a house that revolves around Claude's illness, it is also a source of worry and raises many questions about her couple.
Pascal Kramer has written a novel of incomparable human intensity. Bound together, his characters confront illness and death without pretence.
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