L'implacable brutalité du réveil
Alissa et Richard étaient connus pour être le couple le plus sexy du campus. De leurs amours vient de naître Una. C'est l'été : le ciel californien est éclatant, on entend bourdonner les climatiseurs dans la résidence où ils viennent d'emménager. Laissée seule avec le bébé dont la totale dépendance l'émeut et l'accable, Alissa sombre inexorablement dans le doute. Mais le moment du choix est passé. Il n'y a plus de retour en arrière possible désormais.
- Bleue
- Paru le 08/01/2009
- Genres : Littérature française - Littérature étrangère
- 144 pages - 140 x 205 mm
- EAN : 9782715228870
- ISBN : 9782715228870
Foreign Rights
L'implacable brutalité du réveil
Rights sold :
Una, the baby, is just five-weeks old. Her young parents, Alissa and Richard, have moved into a typical California apartment complex with a swimming pool. It is summer. The heat is stifling, the air conditioning is turned on high. The baby must be fed, changed, put to bed. Alissa, still recovering from giving birth, is painfully tired and lonely. This tiny being who is completely dependent on her moves her, yet troubles her deeply and wears her out. Despite Richard’s love and good will, she is slowly going downhill . . . .
Pascale Kramer takes us straight to the heart of her characters anguish as she creates a profound sense of presence, of empathy. With great subtlety, nuance, and efficiency, her novel brings to life the changes caused by the birth of a child in a woman’s life.
Pascale Kramer, born in Geneva in 1961, lives and works in Paris. She has published many novels including Les Vivants and L’Adieu au Nord.
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