Prends garde à toi
Le jour où Marie s’aperçoit qu’elle est enceinte, son existence prend un tour nouveau. Il est déjà trop tard pour avorter. Clément accepte cette paternité surprise. Autour d’eux, on se réjouit. Marie n’a pas le choix : elle doit répondre aux injonctions et être heureuse. Prise au piège qui la prive de sa jeunesse et de son insouciance.
Mais la vie réserve toujours des surprises...
- Bleue
- Paru le 09/01/2025
- Genre : Littérature française
- 128 pages - 140 x 205 mm
- EAN : 9782715264953
- ISBN : 9782715264953
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Marie is a law student at Assas University. Full of life, she fully enjoys Parisian life. She goes out dancing, drinking, having fun, seducing boys... Her freedom is her charm. Even if she is having trouble getting over Antoine, one of her exes, she lets Clément seduce her. She laughs and blossoms with him, and they develop a real complicity, especially sexually.
The day Marie realizes she is pregnant, her life takes a new turn. There is no question of keeping the child, but it is already too late to have an abortion. Clément, for his part, is happy with this surprise fatherhood. Everyone around them is delighted. Marie has no choice but to be happy. This unplanned pregnancy is a trap, depriving her of her freedom and carefreeness. On the other hand, Clément, who seems to be the perfect son-in-law, becomes jealous, possessive and sometimes violent...
Will happiness ever be possible ?
Manon Fantou is a lawyer. Prends garde à toi is her second novel.
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