Le jour venu
Ainsi est né Le jour venu, d’abord affrontement direct avec l’ombre de la mort qui menace, puis accession à une sorte de paix dans la simple lumière d’un jour qui se lève. Quel est le point commun aux deux faces de ce livre, l’une obscure et l’autre lumineuse, sinon l’idée d’attachement? L’écriture, qui noue des mots ensemble, veille sur nos liens : attachement aux êtres chers et à leur mémoire, à ce monde et à sa beauté, à la terre qui nous porte comme à la langue que nous parlons et qui permet de maintenir le fil de la présence.»
Jean-Michel Maulpoix
- Bleue
- Paru le 13/02/2020
- Genre : Littérature française
- 160 pages - 118 x 185 mm
- EAN : 9782715254176
- ISBN : 9782715254176
Foreign Rights
The Day Has Come
All rights available
Desired or feared, "the day has come" puts an end to a waiting period. It may be the last day of our lives, as each of us perceives it, as it may be a new day that rises and whose light we hoped for... This story illustrates these two meanings. Following L'hirondelle rouge (Mercure de France, 2017), where Jean-Michel Maulpoix mentioned his father’s then his mother’s disappearance, it is first and formost a book of mourning. Written in the continuity of the previous book, here, he digs even deeper: it is of his own death that the author now questions the coming while continuing to recall, as a painful counterpoint, the face of his parents. And if the writing then becomes more frontal, as if to accentuate the torment, it also seeks to heal the wounds and repair the broken bonds: it must formulate with a new force that fervent desire to live that the mourning itself demands and of which a "red swallow" is no longer enough to let us foresee the return. It takes all the love of this world, the attachment to the land and the very language that carries us, so that consent prevails over despair in the end.
A writer as well as an academic, Jean-Michel Maulpoix is the author of poetic works, including Une histoire de bleu, Pas sur la neige and L'hirondelle rouge published by Mercure de France.
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