Le facteur des Abruzzes
Assimilent-elles le sang au marc de café?
Partie sur les traces de son mari biologiste mort dix ans plus tôt, Laure découvre Malaterra comme une intruse, elle va peu à peu se faire adopter par la population composée de personnages drôles ou émouvants aux destins singuliers : Helena, qui a pendu sa fille déshonorée au figuier de son jardin ; le bouquiniste kosovar à qui personne ne parle dans sa boutique poussiéreuse ; Mourad, le boulanger qui propose à Laure de l'épouser ; Yussuf, le facteur qui fait sa tournée même s'il n'a pas de courrier à distribuer... La présence de Laure bouleverse le cours des choses : les langues se délient et des secrets refont surface...
- Bleue
- Paru le 01/03/2012
- Genre : Littérature française
- 160 pages - 140 x 205 mm
- EAN : 9782715232617
- ISBN : 9782715232617
Foreign Rights
The Postman of the Abruzzi
All rights available
Laure is the wife of Luc, who died 10 years ago. A geneticist, Luc was fascinated by Malaterra, an Abruzzi village populated by descendants of Albanese refugees, who a hundred years back, crossed the Adriatic into italy. When Luc returned from his travels, he let Laure type and edit his notes and the results of his research. she was his scribe. But Luc never returned from his last journey to Malaterra, leaving Laure a widow. To be able to mourn him, Laure wants to meet to people for whom Luc spent so much time away from her. This part of the world is inhospitable : Laure is a foreigner and looked upon as an intruder. She is fortunate to meet Yussuf, the postman, who allows her an insight into the village and tells her the story of its inhabitants. Laure will have to get to know them one after the other : the Kosovan bookkeeper, Mourad the baker, Héléna - whose daughter was raped by a man called the "Australian" - and all the other women of the village who are so on their guard. Little by little, people get talking and Laure glimpses another Luc she though she knew.
A novelist and poet, Vénus Khoury-Ghata is the author of several books, amongst which Sept pierres pour la femme adultère, La fille qui marchait dans le désert, Quelle est la nuit parmi les nuits and Où vont les arbres?. Translated into over fifteen languages, she has been awarded many prizes, amongst which the Grand Prix de la poésie de l'Académie française 2009 and the Prix Goncourt de la Poésie 2011.
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