Marina Tsvétaïéva, mourir à Elabouga
la misère pendant la guerre civile, sa fille de trois ans morte de faim dans un orphelinat, son mari qui se bat contre le régime soviétique... Rejetée par les poètes officiels, puis par la riche diaspora russe en France, elle retourne dans son pays pour mettre fin à sa vie d’errance. Enterrée sous une motte de terre anonyme dans le cimetière d’Elabouga, Marina Tsvétaïéva, martyre de l’époque stalinienne.
- Bleue
- Paru le 03/01/2019
- Genre : Littérature française
- 208 pages - 118 x 185 mm
- EAN : 9782715249059
- ISBN : 9782715249059
Foreign Rights
Marina Tsétaïéva, to Die in Elabouga
Rights sold
US/UK - Seagull Books
Turkey - Yapi Kredi
Croatia - Disput
Long-listed Prix Cazes de la brasserie Lipp 2019
Filled with her passion, but haunted by family tragedies (the loss of a child, her husband Serge Effron faraway for a long time, so much she believed he had died), tossed about by the vagaries of history (October Revolution), Marina Tsétaïeva embodies a strong woman, a Mother Courage fighting against fate which falls upon her. In spite of the everyday life’s hardness and the successive banishments, her faith in poetry remains intact.
From Moscow to Elabouga, and to Prague, Berlin or Paris, Vénus Khoury-Ghata goes with this resolute woman. She gets inside her for glorious moments as well as for hopeless situations. She understands Marina like an incandescent heart who makes no compromising about her desires and her love for freedom. Vénus Khoury-Ghata resurrects a world where we meet Boris Pasternak, Rainer Maria Rilke, Maximilien Volochine and also Anna Akhmatova, Alexandre Blok or Ossip Mandelstam.
Novelist and poet, Vénus Khoury-Ghata is the author of an important work. At Mercure de France, she published novels — Sept pierres pour la femme adultère, translated to English language (Jacaranda), Italian (Archinto), Swedish (E. Grate), Czesch (Vikend), Greek (Livanis) and Arabic (Dar al-Saqi) and Les derniers jours de Mandelstam translated to English (Seagull Books), Italian (Ugo Guanda) and Croatian (Oksimoron) — and numerous poetry collections including Le livre des suppliques (English rights sold to Liverpool University Press) and Gens de l’eau.
She awarded the Great Poetry Prize of French Academy in 2009 and the Goncourt Prize for Poetry in 2011 for her all poetic works.
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