Lorsqu’elle pose pour son père, Odile n’est plus une enfant. Pourtant c’est la première fois que le peintre célèbre décide de faire son portrait. Peut-être est-ce aussi la première fois que le père et la fille se trouvent enfin face à face. Tiraillée entre un père tourmenté et une mère à la personnalité flamboyante, Odile a eu une enfance solitaire et sans tendresse. Sa mère – Elena, Eda, Educhka – était avant tout la muse de son mari et ne travaillait qu’à sa gloire.
Comment vivre dans l’ombre de ce couple de parents, s’affranchir de l’aura d’un grand artiste et trouver sa propre voie, c’est ce que nous raconte Sarah Manigne, qui nous invite à pénétrer avec elle dans le secret de l’atelier du peintre.
- Bleue
- Paru le 23/08/2018
- Genre : Littérature française
- 112 pages - 118 x 185 mm
- EAN : 9782715247796
- ISBN : 9782715247796
Foreign Rights
The Art Studio
All rights available
A pose session in a painter studio is always a singular moment, for the artist as well as for his model. That is what Odile will discover when she is posing for her father. Odile is not a child anymore, but this is the first time her famous father decides to paint her portrait. Actually, it is also their first face-to-face…
Torn between a tormented artist as a father and a mother with a flamboyant personality, Odile had a solitary childhood. She was entrusted to a nanny, an old grandfather then a boarding school, and she never received tenderness. Her mother – Elena, Eda, Educhka – neglected her daughter: she was first the muse of her husband and was devoted to his glory… Like Gala and Paul Eluard, the mythical couple.
How to live in the shadow of a great artist, to free from his aura and to find one’s own way? This is what Sarah Manigne is telling us, allowing us to enter with her in the secret of the painter’s studio.
Sarah Manigne is born in Paris in 1976. After several years devoted to audiovisual production, she is now working at a film school. L’atelier is her first novel.
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