La petite famille
Depuis la naissance du petit Sacha, les relations entre Camille et Ron se sont dégradées. Lorsque Camille renoue avec Nina, une amie d’enfance qu’elle n’a pas vue depuis sept ans et qui vient leur rendre visite à Amsterdam, les deux jeunes femmes retrouvent leur complicité d’antan. Nina s’installe plus longtemps que prévu : peu à peu, elle remet de l’ordre dans l’appartement négligé, s’occupe de l’enfant, apaise les relations du couple. Les trois adultes et le garçon forment désormais une petite famille dont l’équilibre est miraculeux, à la fois idéal et transgressif…
- Bleue
- Paru le 04/01/2018
- Genre : Littérature française
- 176 pages - 118 x 185 mm
- EAN : 9782715246782
- ISBN : 9782715246782
Foreign Rights
The Little Family
All rights available
Camille and Ron live in Amsterdam. Camille is French. She just has given birth to a little boy, Sacha. When she was pregnant she felt full of inner peace but since the child was born she is exhausted. Is it a post-partum depression? Her relation with Ron suffers. It is at this time that Camille decides to renew contact with Nina, a childhood friend she hasn’t see in seven years. Nina visits the little family. The two young women regain their complicity of old. She gets along well with Sacha. At the invitation of the couple, Nina settles in. Rapidly, she discreetly takes things in hand doing the food shop, puting the neglected home in order, taking care of Sacha. Nina is feeling at home…
By little keystrokes, Sophie Avon examines this seemingly normal family. Page by page, she disseminates the signs of a growing disquiet, like a warning of impending danger.
Sophie Avon is a film critic for the newspaper Sud Ouest and for the Show “Le Masque et le Plume”. She is the author of several novels, most notably Les Amoureux, Dire adieu and Le vent se lève.
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