J’aurais dû apporter des fleurs
Je viendrai avec rien. Rien et mon manteau et malgré tout, peut-être qu'ils auront droit à mon sourire, peut-être, si je suis grand seigneur.
Gérault tente d'offrir une image idéale de lui-même, mais quand on est seul, au chômage à cinquante ans, ce n'est pas chose facile. Homme empêché, il s'interdit de dire ce qu'il pense et retient en lui sa colère, sa violence. Sa voix intérieure prendra-t-elle peu à peu le dessus?
Ironique et tendre, Alma Brami révèle un personnage lucide, terriblement humain, reflet des travers de notre société tout entière.
- Bleue
- Paru le 21/08/2014
- Genre : Littérature française
- 160 pages - 140 x 205 mm
- EAN : 9782715233829
- ISBN : 9782715233829
Foreign Rights
I Should Have Brought Flowers
All rights available
Charles Gérault, fifty-year old, doesn’t have an easy life: brutally fired, he works now at a minimarket under the orders of a young arrogant man. Single, childless, his love life is nearly nonexistent. His old and ill mother complains of never seeing him and always receives him with reproaches. He struggles with an unlucky everyday life that no one can envy! And yet, Gérault is a very engaging character. His main quality is to be extremely insightful, about others and himself. He knows that his life is not brilliant, but he does not complain. His lucidity is a weapon that he refuses to use: he could attack his self-satisfied interlocutors, make them confront their contradictions and enjoy it. For now, he prefers hold his hatred and anger in, at the risk of look like a dork: Gérault is a time bomb. Until when will he keep his self-control?
J’aurais dû apporter des fleurs is the sixth novel by Alma Brami.
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