Ils sont moi, je suis eux
Enfermée dans ce rôle qu’elle a choisi et qu’elle compte incarner à la perfection.
Sonia maîtrise tout. Tout, sauf ce qu’elle ne maîtrise plus. Elle n’a plus de corps, même son reflet lui échappe, elle n’a plus de place en elle pour autre chose que ce devoir qu’elle s’impose et qui la piège.
Le mieux est l’ennemi du bien, Sonia perd pied.
Dans un style vif, plein d’humour, Alma Brami nous entraîne dans un vertige maternel universel et terrifiant.
- Bleue
- Paru le 24/08/2023
- Genre : Littérature française
- 160 pages - 140 x 205 mm
- EAN : 9782715262225
- ISBN : 9782715262225
Foreign Rights
They Are Me, I Am Them
All rights available
Sonia is the mother of two little children. When she looks at herself in the mirror, she seems to be seeing Bukowski, which is a sign of her low self-esteem. She loves her children above all else: she protects them, cherishes them, devotes her whole life and all her strength to them. Perhaps a little too much. A courageous mother, she works herself to the bone. Literally on the brink of the abyss, she is about to drag down those she adores: her children – her joy and her suffering. Sonia would need some assistance, but she rejects it out of hand: as a perfect mother – and a perfectly abusive one, since no one knows what her children need better than she does – the slightest piece of outside advice sounds like an interference, or even aggression. And it’s not her own flamboyant, carefree mother, nicknamed Dalida, who can help her.
In this new novel, Alma Brami returns to her favourite topics, the family in all its forms. Here, she explores the vertigo of motherhood. Without deviating, without denying either the grotesque or the tragic of the situation, she shows, as always, great empathy for her characters. Never judging them, she accompanies them to the end of their destiny. Relentless!
Alma Brami is the author of seven novels, including the award-winning Sans elle, translated into Chinese (Shanghai Literature).
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