Fuir Pénélope
Lorsque Gabriel est sollicité par un réalisateur grec qui veut l'engager pour tourner dans son film, sa vie bascule... Il vient de se séparer de sa compagne, c'est là l'occasion de rebondir! Et de se lancer à corps perdu dans la grande aventure du cinéma. Gabriel adore le septième art mais ignore tout de la réalité d'un plateau de tournage. À peu près autant, semble-t-il, que le réalisateur, lui aussi débutant. Cet attelage improbable réserve de nombreuses surprises.
- Bleue
- Paru le 09/01/2014
- Genre : Littérature française
- 288 pages - 140 x 205 mm
- EAN : 9782715230415
- ISBN : 9782715230415
Foreign Rights
Fleeing from Penelope
All rights available
When Gabriel, a novice actor, is called by a Greek director who wants to hire him in his movie, Gabriel’s whole life is turned upside down… His companion just left him for one of his friends : this movie is a way to bounce back ! And to launch headlong into the great cinema adventure ! A first movie is really stunning. Gabriel is molded with cinematographic culture, he worships the seventh art, but he is a complete ignorant of the reality on a film set. As much as the director, a novice too, seems to be. This odd couple holds in store a lot of surprises. On a frantic rhythm, Gabriel, as an unintended hero, carries on pathetic and hilarious adventures : his dreams of glory seem far away from a prosaic reality…
Actor, producer, scenarist, permanent actor at the Comédie-Française, Denis Podalydès wrote Voix off (Femina Prize 2008, for the Essay category).
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