Anna et Jérôme sont mariés, ou l'ont été, mais Anna a tout oublié. Elle ignore qui est l'homme qui lui pose des questions et attend, inlassablement. Alors, elle lui raconte sa vie dans ce qui ressemble à un hôtel un peu spécial... Lui écoute, oscillant entre colère, remords et découragement. Vaille que vaille, il essaie de susciter des souvenirs. Parfois elle frémit, reconnaît une inflexion de la voix : l'espace d'un instant, le voile se déchire... Sortira-t-elle de cette nuit de la mémoire dans laquelle elle semble murée et Jérôme pourra-t-il l'accompagner dans ce long voyage?
- Bleue
- Paru le 06/03/2014
- Genres : Littérature française - Littérature étrangère
- 152 pages - 118 x 185 mm
- EAN : 9782715234871
- ISBN : 9782715234871
Foreign Rights
All rights available
Anna and Jerome are married, or used to be. She forgot everything. By the way she says her name is Laura, not Anna. She barely knows where she is: in a sort of enclosed cocoon-like place where people take care of her. She is totally ignorant of this man who questions her and waits, tirelessly. Maybe he is a new resident. She tells him the day-to-day life of this place which looks like a hotel a bit odd. He listens, between anger and remorse. How could she forget everything? For what it’s worth, he tries to arouse her memory. Occasionally, she quivers: for an instant, the veil seems to be torn, she discerns a gleam from the past… Will she escape from this night of the memory where she seems trapped? Will Jerome be strong enough to assist her in this long journey?
Gisèle Fournier lives in Geneva. She already published several novels, among them Ruptures (Breaks) and Le dernier mot (The Last Word).
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