Station Rome
À Paris, au cœur de l'hiver, un clochard écrit son journal : il raconte ses journées et ses nuits, les passants indifférents, les humiliations et les petites victoires quotidiennes contre le froid, la faim, contre les autres aussi... Vivre dans la rue est une lutte de tous les instants.
Sur le quai de la station Rome où il a ses habitudes, parmi tous les visages qui défilent devant lui et qui ne le voient pas, il remarque celui d'une jeune femme, qu'il se met à guetter tous les jours. Pour le simple plaisir de la voir passer, mais aussi parce qu'elle lui rappelle une troublante violoncelliste qu'il a connue par le passé. Car, à trente-sept ans, cet homme a eu une vie avant d'être SDF...
Très actuel, porté par une langue tour à tour crue et poétique, Station Rome est un roman âpre et dense.
- Bleue
- Paru le 07/02/2013
- Genre : Littérature française
- 240 pages - 140 x 205 mm
- EAN : 9782715233249
- ISBN : 9782715233249
Foreign Rights
Rome Station
All rights available
At the Station Rome, in the middle of Winter, a beggar writes his diary: he tells his days, his nights, the passersby, the humiliations and the small daily victories against cold, hunger, against other people as well…Amidst all the faces that pass him by on the platform and that he likes to observe, one of them is special, linked to his past. It is that of a young musician that he looks out for every day, just for the simple pleasure of seeing her go by. He used to be a pianist, he was gifted but he didn’t seize his chance. He became accompanist for Ariane, a young violinist, brilliant but fragile, and he learns her terrible secret. Ever since she was taken ill on the stage, she has stopped feeling anything. She can evoke amazing emotions in her public but cannot feel them herself. A tragic and mysterious event separates them and this is what he seeks to forget, losing himself in sleep and drink, burying himself in his inner music.
In turns raw and poetic, Station Rome doesn’t leave anyone indifferent. The suspense remains intense until the last pages and the final revelation is drawn out with a consumed art of dramatic tension that is astonishing.
Vincent Pieri is a literature teacher. Station Rome is his first novel.
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