Petit animal sauvage
Dans les années 70, Fanon, quatorze ans, vit dans un pavillon de la banlieue parisienne. Dès qu’elle a un moment, elle enfourche sa mobylette pour aller retrouver ses copains dans la cité HLM d’à côté. Dans cet autre monde, les règles sont tout autres. Elle se sent libre, de fumer, de boire, de faire l’amour… Désabusée et rebelle, Fanon donne le sentiment d’être remplie de colère et de rage. Pourquoi bouillonne-t-elle ainsi?
Avec une écriture très précise, alternant scènes réalistes et poétiques entre la ville et la nature, Anne Françoise Brillot tisse, à travers des éclats de vie, le portrait émouvant d’une jeune adolescente en révolte.
- Bleue
- Paru le 01/09/2016
- Genre : Littérature française
- 128 pages - 118 x 185 mm
- EAN : 9782715242708
- ISBN : 9782715242708
Foreign Rights
Little Wild Animal
All rights available
During the 1970s, Fanon, a 14 year-old living in the Parisian suburbs, hops on her moped every chance she gets to visit her friends living in the nearby projects. It is another world there, rules are less strict than in her neighborhood. She feels free and is able to drink, smoke and be sexually active…Fanon is a rebellious tomboy who is disillusioned by the ways of the world which gives the impression that she is full of angst. But why would that be? Who is she really? Fanon has not always been a rough adolescent. Even now, there is another side to her, she cares deeply for animals and she lights up whenever she sets her eyes on a fluffy chick.
With a very precise writing style, alternating between realistic and poetic scenes, the city and nature, Anne Françoise Brillot goes back and evokes episodes from Fanon’s past. Brillot treads lightly and she creates little scenes, that when put together create a moving portrayal.
Anne Françoise Brillot is a set photographer and also directs documentaries. Petit animal sauvage is her first novel.
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