Par la ville, hostile
Une femme est seule chez elle, immobile sur un fauteuil, dans un appartement presque vide. Plus de rideaux aux fenêtres, plus de télé, plus de canapé. Elle attend qu’on vienne la jeter dehors.
Puisqu’on va l’expulser. Elle le sait et elle ne veut pas, le savoir. Elle voudrait juste chasser les mots, ne plus penser, et surtout pas à ses deux enfants qu’elle ne va plus jamais voir, au parloir de la prison. Elle ne leur a rien dit de l’expulsion qui se prépare, ultime conséquence de leur condamnation pour trafic de drogue…
- Bleue
- Paru le 03/10/2016
- Genre : Littérature française
- 128 pages - 118 x 185 mm
- EAN : 9782715244153
- ISBN : 9782715244153
Foreign Rights
By Way of the Hostile City
All rights available
Her sons’ violent outbursts are what scare her. From one second to the next her world, and that of the neighborhood, is taken over and threatened by their hatred… Since when? Here is a question that torments her to the very core. Since when has she been afraid of her sons? Since when did everything spin out of control?
A woman is all alone, motionless in a wheelchair, in an apartment that is nearly empty. No curtains on the windows, no television, no couch. She is waiting to be kicked to the curb. They are going to evict her, she knows it. She will soon be living on the streets with no place to go.
Who is this woman and how did she get there? She did indeed have a husband and two children – Luis and Rodrigue. She left her husband when he became violent; today her children are in prison for drug trafficking.
Bertrand Leclair gives us a poignant portrait of how a life can drastically change one day to the next in By Way of the Hostile City.
Bertrand Leclair is the author of several plays, essays and novels. He most notably wrote Petit Éloge de la paternité (Gallimard, 2010), Dans les rouleaux du temps (Flammarion, 2011), Malentendus (Actes Sud, 2013) and La villa du jouir (Serge Safran éditeur, 2015).
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