Daniel Liszt
Un fils mal-aimé
Charles Dupêchez retrace le destin d’une personnalité attachante et hors du commun, sacrifiée par ses parents au culte de leur narcissisme et de leur ambition.
- Bleue
- Paru le 06/02/2025
- Genre : Littérature française
- 144 pages - 140 x 205 mm
- EAN : 9782715264458
- ISBN : 9782715264458
Foreign Rights
Daniel Liszt, an Unloved Son
All rights available
How do you find your place surrounded by two strong personalities?
This was the question facing Daniel Liszt (1839-1859), the last son of the tumultuous couple formed by the woman of letters Marie d'Agoult and the famous musician Franz Liszt.
The boy nicknamed “Dum” struggles to exist : his father would barely see him until he was five, and then did everything in his power to prevent him from developing any artistic talents that might have overshadowed him... His mother, for her part, entrusted him to a wet nurse at a very early age, perhaps thinking he would be a nuisance to her personal development and the literary salons...
As Liszt and Marie d’Agoult separate and tear each other apart, Daniel becomes a central player in their conflict. Fanned by Princess Sayn-Wittgenstein, Liszt’s new mistress, who harbors a real hatred for her predecessor.
These elements allow Charles Dupêchez to compose a lively novel that paints as much the portrait of an unloved son as that of a glorious era that is not cluttered by material considerations...
Charles Dupêchez is the author of a biography of Marie d’Agoult, and of her Memoirs, Recollections and Diaries, as well as a historical account: La Reine velue (Grasset). He is also the author of Histoire de l’Opéra de Paris (Perrin).
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