Chaque seconde est un murmure
Après un accident de voiture, le jeune Iwill a rompu toute attache familiale. Il va désormais au hasard des routes. Lorsqu'il arrive à Luzimbapar, il rencontre Sarah et Laston. Le couple vit coupé du monde, entouré d'une meute de chiens féroces. Pendant que Laston creuse des tunnels sans fin dans une ancienne mine de cuivre, Sarah confie à Iwill un cahier sur lequel il devra consigner sa vie, instaurant un pacte tacite : il s'en ira une fois le cahier achevé... Une étrange relation s'installe entre eux : ses hôtes inquiètent Iwill autant qu'ils le fascinent. Mais Iwill est-il vraiment libre de ses mouvements, les chiens le laisseraient-ils partir sans broncher s'il le décidait?
- Bleue
- Paru le 08/04/2016
- Genre : Littérature française
- 144 pages - 118 x 185 mm
- EAN : 9782715243491
- ISBN : 9782715243491
Foreign Rights
Every Second is a Whisper
All rights available
For two years, or maybe a little less, or possibly and eternity, I walk, I take trains, busses, I hitchhike, I latch onto the road like a green beetle who has folded back it’s wings. I come across humans, hardly speak with them, I am not very sociable. Sometimes, I stay in their company for a day or two, but, it is stronger than I am, I leave just as quickly as I came. It is curious, I don’t have a memory. Or rather, there are gaps, large and velvety like a moth’s wings. The road is a black eraser. I move forward and everything disappears behind me.
After a car accident, Iwill (21 years old) severed all of his ties with family and friends and wanders. Once he arrives in Luzimbapar, he comes across Sarah and Laston. The couple lives completely cut-off from the rest of the world and surrounded by a pack of ferocious dogs. Laston relentlessly digs tunnels in an old copper mine, and Sarah entrusts Iwill with a notebook, on which he needs to recount his life story, thus establishing an agreement between them: he can leave once the notebook is filled… Iwill is able recuperate due to the hospitality of his hosts, who’s behaviour worries and also fascinates him. A strange dynamic is formed between the three characters. Is Iwill truly free, would the dogs let him leave without batting an eyelid if he so chooses? Nothing could be less sure…
Alain Cadéo is the author of several theatrical texts and novels, one of which being Zoé which was also published by the Mercure de France. He lives in Evenos in Provence.
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