Agent secret
Il y a de la magie dans la vie et dans l’œuvre de Philippe Sollers, écrivain, éditeur, critique, solitaire, paradoxal, et merveilleux visionnaire. Une magie née de sa passion pour la littérature, la poésie, la nature et la musique, pour la rencontre amoureuse, pour l’art du secret et de l’intime. Philippe Sollers, en agent secret ? Tel est le pari de ce singulier et bouleversant autoportrait.
- Traits et portraits
- Paru le 04/03/2021
- Genre : Littérature française
- 200 pages - 140 x 205 mm
- EAN : 9782715254350
- ISBN : 9782715254350
Foreign Rights
Secret Agent
Rights sold
Ukraine (Anetta Antonenko)
Philippe Sollers, a secret agent? This is the gamble taken by this unusual self-portrait. Through this figure of secret agent, we follow him from his birth in 1936 in a bourgeois family of Bordeaux, up to his office at Gallimard.
There is something magic in the work and life of Philippe Sollers, writer, editor, reviewer, lonely and paradoxical man, and also an amazing visionary. This magic is born from his passion for literature, poetry, nature and music, for romantic encounter, for the art of secrecy and intimacy. He goes on the tracks of intellectual and politic life of an entire generation where we can meet Jacques Lacan, Roland Barthes, Mao Tse Tung, Holderlin, Nietzsche, Baudelaire, Bataille, Rimbaud, Julia Kristeva, Dominique Rolin, mais aussi Bach, Monteverdi, Venise, Hitchcock, Manet, Picasso, Poussin, Homère, Cecilia Bartoli, the Bible, Eugenia, his first love story, the one of Une curieuse solitude. And of course, his son David.
Sollers, a “secret agent”, is bringing us with him to the exploration of the today’s most mysterious author’s world.
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