Les rives de la mer Douce
- Traits et portraits
- Paru le 02/02/2023
- Genre : Littérature française
- 160 pages - 140 x 205 mm
- EAN : 9782715259669
- ISBN : 9782715259669
Foreign Rights
On the Shores of the Silver Sea
All rights available
On March 14th, 2021, at 3 o’clock in the afternoon, Laura Alcoba is going along the right bank of the Aven, between Pont Aven and the Moulin du Hénan, when she saw, on the surface of the water, between branches and rocks, the drawing of a heart. This almost magic vision wakes her memory.
The Aven comes on top of the Rio de La Plata, called “the freshwater sea” in Argentina because it is as wide as the sea and as soft as a river. As in a wonderful and hallucinatory walk, the most striking moments of her life are coming out. The moments which make her one of the most sensitive and highly talented writers of today. She is always trapped between two rivers, two languages, tow countries. She never forgets anything from her clandestine childhood in Argentina.
The memory of the body is the essential purpose of the travel, as well as the memory of landscape, houses, acts and faces of her family, but also former secrets as the one about her ancestor who was mutilated because she loved a white man. It is also the memory of her predecessors who had contributed to her development as a writer: Jorge Luis Borges, Juan Jose Saer, Roger Grenier, Hector Bianciotti…
Novelist and translator, Laura Alcoba used to live in Argentine until the age of 10. Today she lives in Paris. She already published several novels, including Manèges. Petite histoire argentine, Le bleu des abeilles, La danse de l’araignée and Par la forêt.
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