Demande à l’obscurité
Vénus Khoury-Ghata livre une poésie ample et d’une beauté bouleversante, dont les images sont à la fois concrètes et quasi magiques.
- Poésie
- Paru le 05/03/2020
- Genre : Poésie
- 104 pages - 140 x 205 mm
- EAN : 9782715254299
- ISBN : 9782715254299
Foreign Rights
Call to the Darkness
All rights available
With this new collection, Vénus Khoury-Ghata continues and renews her poetic work. War, one of his favourite themes, is present in it in two different facets. The first part, a long poem without scansion that is not lacking in humour, focuses on daily life and characters such as Mansour the grocer or Adèle the dressmaker. The second part is animated by a more tragic breath. Vénus Khoury-Ghata delivers ample poetry of overwhelming beauty, whose images are both concrete and almost magical.
Novelist and poet, Vénus Khoury-Ghata is the author of an important work. At the Mercure de France, she has published several novels and numerous collections of poetry. She was awarded the Grand Prix de poésie de l'Académie française 2009 for the body of her poetic work and the Goncourt de la poésie 2011.
Rights sold (Poetry) : Gens de l’eau: UK (Poetry Translation), Le livre des suppliques : UK (Liverpool UP), Les obscurcis : Serbia (Areté), Où vont les arbres ?: USA (Northwestern UP), Quelle est la nuit parmi les nuits : Italy (Il Ponte del Sale), Argentina (Paradisio)
Rights sold (Novels) : Sept pierres pour la femme adultère : translated in 8 languages, Les derniers jours de Mandelstam : UK (Seagull Books), Italy (Guanda), Turkey (Yapi Kredi), Marina Tsvétaïéva, mourir à Elabouga : UK (Seagull Books), Turkey (Yapi Kredi), L’adieu à la femme rouge : Greece (Enalios), La fille qui marchait dans le désert : Sweden (E. Grate)
If you are interested in publishing one of our books or wish to receive further information, you can contact our International Department:
Geneviève Lebrun-Taugourdeau: +33 (0) 155 426 195